How old are you?

1/21 Please, select your age

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How old are you?

2/21 What’s your annual income?

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3/21 How stable is your income?

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How old are you?

4/21 How much do you have saved for emergency?

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How old are you?

5/21 What is your current debt level?

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6/21 What percentage of your income are you willing to invest?

How old are you?
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7/21 How would you react if the value of your investment dropped by 10%?

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8/21 Are you comfortable with short-term fluctuations in your investment value?

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9/21 What is your primary investment goal?

How old are you?
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10/21 How much investment experience do you have?

How old are you?
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11/21 Why are you investing?

How old are you?
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12/21 How long do you plan to keep your money invested?

How old are you?
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13/21 When do you expect to start withdrawing money from your investments?

  • 1 year
  • 1 - 3 years
  • 3 - 5 years
  • 5 - 10 years
  • 10 + years
Slide To Adjust
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How old are you?

14/21 What are your primary financial goals?

How old are you?
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15/21 How much liquidity do you need in your investments?

How old are you?
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16/21 What is your primary reason for investing?

How old are you?
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17/21 Are you planning any significant purchases in the near future?

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How old are you?

18/21 How flexible are you in adjusting your financial goals?

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How old are you?

19/21 Do you have any upcoming financial commitments?

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How old are you?

20/21 Are you dependent on your investments for your day-to-day expenses?

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How old are you?

21/21 How many years until you retire?

How old are you?
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